27 Nov 2023

Lab 10 - Azure Web App

Deploying a Web App with Database Through Azure

For lab 10, we had to create a web app through Azure, deploying a SQL server and database connected to it. The easiest parts of the tutorial were the sections where a few commands had to be put in for it to work; there wasn’t much thinking to be done there, which was nice! The hardest parts, though, were the steps we had to take to set it up. The initial steps for the tutorial didn’t work because the server and database types weren’t available in our area. So, we had to manually create a web app (or an app service, as Azure calls it), a SQL server, and a SQL database, and then manually connect them all instead. It was a real pain, and it was hard to do without the help of a professor because of how specific the options you had to choose were when creating the objects. But we did get it done, and the website is now up! You can find it at this URL. It may be taken down by now, as that’s part of the lab, but if it isn’t, you can see the few items we added to the list! It’s really simple but I’m glad we were able to get it working.

As for dividing up the work, I did the initialization of the objects, Elliot took care of the verification strings and sample code, and Mason did the database schema step. I then went back and did the “Stream diagnostic logs” step, and we’ll do the “Clean up resources” step once our professor confirms we’ve completed the lab. Communicating within the group wasn’t that difficult because it was only three of us, so we just all got it done in one sitting in the library.

Overall, this was an incredibly insightful lab, and I look forward to implementing it into our final project!